Sunday, November 18, 2012

The beginning

I have always had the desire to understand the scriptures in a spiritual and historical context. This is my attempt to be diligent and keep a record of my learning's. It may not be organized because I have already been studying the Old Testament for a year. It has taken me a long time to get through it but I want to take my time and understand it.
My mission has brought this passion and helped me see this life as a beautiful world, one that I get to grow and change. I do not want to stand idly, I want to stretch my mind and grow, learn everything and anything I can. For me the hardest part is being able to retain it. Writing it down I hope will help.
Enjoy, but I ask you, read with an open heart and open mind. Let the spirit speak and convert your life to Him.
I know that God lives, I know that through Him, Christ created the world along side with Micheal. I know that Adam and Eve were taught to choose good or evil being given the agency to choose. I know that we can overcome the physical and spiritual death we are partakers of. I know that we can become like our Father. I know He teaches us through experience and Prophets. I know that the scriptures testify of His Son. I know Christ felt every pain and joy known to mankind. I know we can overcome justice with mercy. I love Him because He first loved me. I fear my God and am not ashamed to speak His truth.

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