Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cinderella and Ruth the Moabitess

The Thanksgiving parade has a special musical of Cinderella, a story of hope. One that shows and teaches that anyone can change their future. We can become the dreams we've always wished of. Cinderella was hardworking with a passion to change her future. Ruth, not a fairy tale but one that begun the history for King David and Jesus Christ.
Ruth is a descendant to Lot which is brought through Moabites. She marries one of Noami's sons. Before her fairy tale can begin, she shes herself in the same light at Noami, a widow living in a famine. The bond they build is compared to the relationship Ruth has with the Lord. Binding and everlasting, Ruth has devoted her whole life to staying by Noami's side. This was a sacrifice chosen, Ruth could have gone back to her native land and been taken care of by her family. Instead she stays and supports Noami. They hear of the famine ending and travel from Judah to Bethlehem to glean the fields.
A law of Moses states that after the reapers are done gleaning, they must leave the droppings for the poor. Ruth works hard in the field all day for food. Boaz is in line for kinsmen and invites Ruth to partake in the goodness of his kingdom. He is very kind to her, when Noami finds out she prepares Ruth to lye at his feet and ask him for marriage.
Most of us would think this was out of tradition, biblical scholars say it was very appropriate and showed devotion. He sends her home with gifts to show Noami the success of marriage. Boaz still has to show his kingdom the sealing of this marriage. He goes to buy her property. This transaction was made binding by the previous kinsman removing his sandal, signifying he relinquished his rights in the matter.
Sound like a fairy tale? Sound like Cinderella? The best part is yet to come! Ruth is the great-grandmother of King David, the direct line to Jesus Christ. This marriage is not only filled with dreams but the family of Joseph and Mary.
Redeemer in the Hebrew language means protector, the provider of the family. Boaz being the father and head of the house would be called the redeemer. I find this very significant when Christ says "I the Lord am thy Saviour and the Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob." He is the redeemer for the whole world.
I have much to be grateful for today, but I am grateful for Ruth's devotion to others and the Lord. What a true Cinderella story.

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