Sunday, November 18, 2012


The man who was called blameless and upright. He feared God and turned away evil. Fearing God is knowing that we are nothing without Him and we need Him for everything we have. Why believe in God? Is it for the hope of blessings, or is faith the sole motivation? I thought deep and hard about this question. So many humans are looking for blessings because of their obedience to His commandments. Is that why we have the gospel? To reap blessings? Do we live each day for the next world or are we living for this world?
Satan wanted to show God through Job that when everything was taken away from him that he would curse God. When he had no more blessings in this world that he would turn his back on his creator. Because God is the master teacher, He let Job be inflicted, tormented, and had almost everything taken away from him. Job's friends told him stories of why his life had taken a huge turn. Through their understanding of the gospel, they believed that Job was being punished for his sins. In truth, it was a battle between God (good) and Satan (evil). Job showed no blame in his belief in God. He proved his trust in God and never curses him as Satan predicted man would do.
The truth is, far to many of us do turn against God and blame Him when we see our blessings taken away from us when we haven't sinned to deserve such punishment. Punishment means a result of an improper action according to the punish-er. God doesn't punish, He teaches, this difference can only be learned through a change of heart, a fearing man of God. Job was such. How can humans relate to God in the face of suffering? Is it better to argue with God than to simply repeat traditional formulas as Job's friends did? Do we see ourselves fall into traditional mortal self pity modes when our blessings are taken? Let us not be the result of Satan's prediction of the Human race. The battle is between good and evil but we are the ones in the play. We get to choose.
Job chose His maker, for that he was blessed double. He didn't actually receive everything back in double. He still had seven son and three daughters, but he was blessed spiritually. This is a double blessing we can too accept through a broken heart and willingness to never blame our God for His teachings. Be like Job and stand upright, argue with God in prayer and He will soften thy heart and teach for understanding. It's out turn to be like Job the blameless and upright. Fear God and have joy in this world.

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