Sunday, December 9, 2012

Double-Minded Serving Two Masters

Back to 1 Kings 16-18

Asa is King over Judah which has many kings, we think of it like governors, below Asa ruling in Israel. The time laps is from 910-841 BC. The kings were, Nadab who followed Jeroboam's wicked ways. Baasha who followed in Nadab's footsteps. Elah was a drunkard and "made Israel to sin." Zimri who was only king for seven days because he burned the city and himself, also an idolater and murder. Omri was worse than all those before him, he took over Tibri's reign and set the city of Samaria which we will hear about again through the bible and history. Ahab was the worst, he loved wickedness and married Jezebel who later will try to kill Prophet Elijah.
Now that we can see the small picture of what is going on throughout these years, we understand the extreme wickedness in Judah. Through traditions of time man got more wicked, went even further away from God. As I pondered upon this my personal actions was shown in daylight. I reflected on how my actions will affect my generations to come. What am I doing today to show my future loved ones that I love God and will not curse Him? How can I show them that I wont worship this world and the things in it, but that I will focus on the eternities? I cannot decide what generations will see me as, I cannot predict the conversations they will have. I can only live my life through righteous actions that show them how I feel about my God.

Elijah confronts Ahab and curses the land with a famine because they are so wicked. Ahab was always on the look out for prophets and would kill them. Elijah was consistently on the run, reminds me of David. His devotion to the Lord is shown through his hiding and being fed by ravens. Side note: the translation of ravens has been argued with biblical scholars, we don't know if it was actually a raven or faithful servants bring Elijah food. He waits upon the Lord for years on what he should do. How many of us are that faithful to wait? Finally the Lord tells him to confront Ahab.
Through the widow of Zarepeth his is fed from her last bit of oil and flour. She is promised that her food will never run dry. How many of us can say we have that much faith? She also had faith enough to ask Elijah to bring her son back from the dead. Would I be prepared if the Lord's servant knocked on my door? Would my home be appropriate to welcome him?
He continues on his journey from the Lord and tells Obadiah to make an appointment with Ahab for him. Obadiah is a God fearing man, meaning he has great faith. He serves the king but has many prophets in hiding and actually feeding them so that they don't get killed. He warns Elijah with his request that the king is out to kill him. After all, Elijah is the one to blame for the famine right?
Of course Ahab would see it that way, would we? How many of us put blame of our own consequences on others? I can clearly see where Ahab could be justified, but the Lord see's it the right way. There would have been no famine if he was righteous and worshiped the true and only God. Maybe we should look at God's teaching techniques rather than our personal justification.
Elijah shows Ahab and his false prophets through a challenge that they are worshiping false gods. Their burnt offering couldn't be put on fire by their god. Their gods are silent which make them extremely frustrated. They used to actually fake the miraculous miracles of fire from their gods. To show them that Elijah's God is real he builds a mot around the alter. They are astonished when God brings fire and wipes out the water from the mot. They kill all their false prophets and begin to worship the true God again. I would hope that we don't have to see miracles to believe in Him.
I hope that after reading this you reflect on your life. How can you make your actions show your testimony for your future loved ones? Maybe it is right within your home that you need your actions to show. Stop justifying your actions and ponder upon why God would place you in this time of your life. We cannot serve two masters and keep a single mind. James 1:8, 4:8. Matt 6:24. You have the power to change future generations.

The story doesn't end there, next we will hear about Jezebel's hunt to kill Elijah.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cinderella and Ruth the Moabitess

The Thanksgiving parade has a special musical of Cinderella, a story of hope. One that shows and teaches that anyone can change their future. We can become the dreams we've always wished of. Cinderella was hardworking with a passion to change her future. Ruth, not a fairy tale but one that begun the history for King David and Jesus Christ.
Ruth is a descendant to Lot which is brought through Moabites. She marries one of Noami's sons. Before her fairy tale can begin, she shes herself in the same light at Noami, a widow living in a famine. The bond they build is compared to the relationship Ruth has with the Lord. Binding and everlasting, Ruth has devoted her whole life to staying by Noami's side. This was a sacrifice chosen, Ruth could have gone back to her native land and been taken care of by her family. Instead she stays and supports Noami. They hear of the famine ending and travel from Judah to Bethlehem to glean the fields.
A law of Moses states that after the reapers are done gleaning, they must leave the droppings for the poor. Ruth works hard in the field all day for food. Boaz is in line for kinsmen and invites Ruth to partake in the goodness of his kingdom. He is very kind to her, when Noami finds out she prepares Ruth to lye at his feet and ask him for marriage.
Most of us would think this was out of tradition, biblical scholars say it was very appropriate and showed devotion. He sends her home with gifts to show Noami the success of marriage. Boaz still has to show his kingdom the sealing of this marriage. He goes to buy her property. This transaction was made binding by the previous kinsman removing his sandal, signifying he relinquished his rights in the matter.
Sound like a fairy tale? Sound like Cinderella? The best part is yet to come! Ruth is the great-grandmother of King David, the direct line to Jesus Christ. This marriage is not only filled with dreams but the family of Joseph and Mary.
Redeemer in the Hebrew language means protector, the provider of the family. Boaz being the father and head of the house would be called the redeemer. I find this very significant when Christ says "I the Lord am thy Saviour and the Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob." He is the redeemer for the whole world.
I have much to be grateful for today, but I am grateful for Ruth's devotion to others and the Lord. What a true Cinderella story.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Divided Kingdoms

Around 925BC King Solomon is coming to the end of his reign. He anoints his son Rehoboam to be ruler, the only problem is King Solomon had heavy labor put on his people and they didn't like him. Rehoboam wasn't going to change much, the people didn't like this.
In 1 Kings 11:30 Prophet Ahijah takes his robe and rent it into 12 pieces. This was a prophecy toward a divided kingdom. Ten of these pieces went to Jeroboam, son of Nebat an Ephraimite. He was seen as a rival of Solomon. The people anointed him to be their king over ten of the kingdoms. Which is the exact number that Ahijah gave him of his robe. He was a wicked man who practiced idolatry, he was also was a construction man that helped finish building the First Temple Jerusalem which is today very impressive to archaeologist. The kingdom was called the Northern Kingdom or Kings of Israel which encompassed Hoshea, Pekah, Pekahiah, and Menahem who are apart of the original 12 tribes that were divided back with King David.
Shechem became the capital of Israel. Israel only lasted 210 years and was invaded by Assyrians in 722BC.

Rehoboam went on to rule over the Southern Kingdom or Kings of Judah. He was also wicked and worshiped false idols. Judah lasted three and half centuries longer than Israel and was invaded by Babylonians in 586BC.
There were many Prophets during this time that were crying repentance. Micah, Isaiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Lehi, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. Yes, you saw that, Lehi was one prophet that cried repentance because this is the time that the Book of Mormon came about.
This is an overview of the history of what I am about to embark on with Kings and Chronicles. Now you can grasp a little bit of how I like to study my scriptures. It takes much longer for me to not only obtain this information to to actually understand how the timeline works. I am just very grateful for those who have gone before me in helping me see the big picture. There are a lot of wicked stories coming up, which, we all know will end in the destruction of Jerusalem, which, right now is under King Rehoboam.
One thing to note is before the people entered the promised land (which they are in right now). Moses warned the people just like King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon did about having kings. There were qualifications to being a king under God direction.

1. One chosen by the Lord
2. A member of the house of Israel and not a Gentile
3. One who did not seek to "multiply horses" (Hebrew meaning to make extensive preparations for aggressive warfare)
4. One who would not lead Israel back to Egypt. (Back to worldy ways)
5. One who would not multiply wives and wealth unto himself
6. One who followed the law of God in ruling the people
7. One who kept statutes (covenants in the temple) of God.
(Deuteronomy 17:14-20, Mosiah 23:8; 29:13)

When I look at this list I am drawn to the American world we live in now days. Looking back on history, we've only been a nation shy of 300 years. The Israel nation was demolished in 200 years. This is all because of the leaders that they chose or who were in reign by blood. Who are our leaders for our nation? Many say that it isn't important to vote or part take in politics. God clearly has stated how important our rulers are and we should feel the same. As the first Presidency has come out and said, we need to pray for our leaders and for our Nation.

Pictures: Prophet Ahijah renting his robe and giving Jeroboam ten pieces.
The division of the two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, Northern and Southern.


The man who was called blameless and upright. He feared God and turned away evil. Fearing God is knowing that we are nothing without Him and we need Him for everything we have. Why believe in God? Is it for the hope of blessings, or is faith the sole motivation? I thought deep and hard about this question. So many humans are looking for blessings because of their obedience to His commandments. Is that why we have the gospel? To reap blessings? Do we live each day for the next world or are we living for this world?
Satan wanted to show God through Job that when everything was taken away from him that he would curse God. When he had no more blessings in this world that he would turn his back on his creator. Because God is the master teacher, He let Job be inflicted, tormented, and had almost everything taken away from him. Job's friends told him stories of why his life had taken a huge turn. Through their understanding of the gospel, they believed that Job was being punished for his sins. In truth, it was a battle between God (good) and Satan (evil). Job showed no blame in his belief in God. He proved his trust in God and never curses him as Satan predicted man would do.
The truth is, far to many of us do turn against God and blame Him when we see our blessings taken away from us when we haven't sinned to deserve such punishment. Punishment means a result of an improper action according to the punish-er. God doesn't punish, He teaches, this difference can only be learned through a change of heart, a fearing man of God. Job was such. How can humans relate to God in the face of suffering? Is it better to argue with God than to simply repeat traditional formulas as Job's friends did? Do we see ourselves fall into traditional mortal self pity modes when our blessings are taken? Let us not be the result of Satan's prediction of the Human race. The battle is between good and evil but we are the ones in the play. We get to choose.
Job chose His maker, for that he was blessed double. He didn't actually receive everything back in double. He still had seven son and three daughters, but he was blessed spiritually. This is a double blessing we can too accept through a broken heart and willingness to never blame our God for His teachings. Be like Job and stand upright, argue with God in prayer and He will soften thy heart and teach for understanding. It's out turn to be like Job the blameless and upright. Fear God and have joy in this world.

The beginning

I have always had the desire to understand the scriptures in a spiritual and historical context. This is my attempt to be diligent and keep a record of my learning's. It may not be organized because I have already been studying the Old Testament for a year. It has taken me a long time to get through it but I want to take my time and understand it.
My mission has brought this passion and helped me see this life as a beautiful world, one that I get to grow and change. I do not want to stand idly, I want to stretch my mind and grow, learn everything and anything I can. For me the hardest part is being able to retain it. Writing it down I hope will help.
Enjoy, but I ask you, read with an open heart and open mind. Let the spirit speak and convert your life to Him.
I know that God lives, I know that through Him, Christ created the world along side with Micheal. I know that Adam and Eve were taught to choose good or evil being given the agency to choose. I know that we can overcome the physical and spiritual death we are partakers of. I know that we can become like our Father. I know He teaches us through experience and Prophets. I know that the scriptures testify of His Son. I know Christ felt every pain and joy known to mankind. I know we can overcome justice with mercy. I love Him because He first loved me. I fear my God and am not ashamed to speak His truth.